Your Latest CriBlog was Great!
Hi, Seporah:
A bit of advice from your grandpa Russ: Keep after your dad and mom to get you that computer. Actually, if you let your dad buy a new one on a semi-regular basis, he will probably give you his old ones. Life is good when there are extra computers around. Your grandma Pam and I hope to come visit you later this summer, and your Uncle Joshua wants to come visit for a long time this summer. I am guessing he will make a pretty good Seporah-sitter so your mom and dad can get out a little while he is there. I hope you like your new home and having your own bedroom; if you get lonely, just yell REAL LOUD so mom and dad will come and get you. I hope to see you in a couple of months, see you later!
Grandpa Russ
Thursday, March 2, 2006