Introducing the New

It has been a work in progress for a long time.  Basically life has just been too busy and I always take on too many projects.  But I completed the new SeporahsCrib tonight.  There is still a little fixing up to be done here and there, but the blog is kind of going now.  We will try to make sure Seporah keeps it updated.  =)

Email Seporah at!


Environmental quote

I just loved it!

"There are many reasons to shift away from fossil fuels, and we will do so in the next century without legislation, financial incentives, carbon- conservation programs, or the interminable yammering of fearmongers. So far as I know, nobody had to ban horse transport in the early twentieth century." Michael Crichton, State of Fear Read More...

Long overdue realization

You know that whole covet commandment? Thou shalt not covet your neighbors wife and all that? It really has little to do with adultery or theft, and everything to do with being content. I always thought of coveting as only being bad insomuch as it led to worse sins (such as the above two), but that simply isn't what it is about.

It is about priorities. About choosing to live within your means. About being happy with what we have. About being grateful.

La la la. Cheese Cheese.

I have a confession to make...

Today I bought kid cuisines for my daughter...Yeah, there is just no energy in me to cook. I think they're worse than a McDonald's Happy Meal, and there's no toy to justify the high fat and calorie content. Read More...


You may remember the the analogies for the atom given in your 5th grade science class. It was often either a piece of paper with a dot in the middle or a football stadium with a football in the middle. You remember the football or the dot represented the nucleus, and then flies spinning around the stadium would represent the electrons. See, scientifically the atom is 99.99999% empty space. And yet we are all made up of atoms. I can feel things. Everything is made up of atoms. And ALL atoms are almost completely "empty". Read More...