You Can’t Teach an Old Dog New Tricks...
   ...But I’m not a dog or old for that matter and I’ve got lots of new tricks. I am growing and learning so fast. Dad’s so excited, Mom’s a little ‘nostalgic.’ So anyways I am a good roly poly. I can roll from one side of the room to the other and back again. And I can sit up by myself with no help for a really long time. And I can make messes with my Turkey Rice Casserole. And I’m a good tongue sticker outer. And I can put 7 fingers in my month all at once. And I can say at least 12 of the sounds of letters in the alphabet, along with all my other noises. So as you can see I deserve a cutie treat (dogs get doggie treats, cuties get cutie treats). Please mail one to me (not c/o Mom or Dad because then they’ll get it), I’m told cookies and ice cream are very good.
   It’s been pretty fun with Uncle Josh around. I noticed Uncle Josh has more hair than Mom, Dad and me combined, how can one person have so much hair. He should learn to share. Uncle Josh has been spending a lot of time with me while Mom and Dad are at work. We get to roll around on the floor and play  with a ‘controller’ with lots of buttons that makes things happen on the television.
Sunday, July 16, 2006