Polynesian Cultural Center
   Well you won’t believe but I got to see another grandma and a grandpa for the first time! Grandmama and Grandpa Lonnie came all the way from Texas to visit me. Today we went to the Polynesian Cultural Center with them. It was really cool there. We got to take a canoe to visit 7 islands. There was a guy who made fire out of sticks and got milk out of a coconut, he said he would have climbed the tree to get the coconuts but it was raining. He was a daddy and all he wore was a diaper, just like me! I’d never seen any moms or dads with just diapers before.  
   We got to go to this big room with lots of tables and everybody got to eat this pig that was cooked in the ground and purple rolls. Well everybody that is except (that’s right, you guessed) me. Grandpa Lonnie even tried one, he usually only eats white rolls he said.
   Then we went into this place that was kind of like a movie theater, but bigger and there wasn’t a screen, nope there was real people doing stuff. There were hula girls and hula boys that did lots of dancing and there were guys that played with fire. At which point Mom said that even though playing with fire looked cool it was still a no-no.
   They brought me presents too, which I like. Grandmama found me a grass skirt so I could be a hula girl, just like the ones at the Polynesian Cultural Center!
Monday, May 22, 2006