Chillin’ with the Grandparents!
   Well Grandma Pam and Grandpa Russ came back to see me on my own turf! We had lots of fun the whole week. They’d been to Hawaii a couple times already so we (mostly) skipped all the touristy stuff and just hung out. Which was nice.
   Holy cow though, we went out to eat every single day! It was so amazing. Mom and Dad take me out, but only like once a week usually. Plus Grandma Pam cooked new foods that Mom and Dad don’t cook. I got to try so many new foods! There was seafood, and Italian food, and my favorite Thai food, and these special potato foods, plus all the nifty stuff Grandpa Russ snuck me like ice cream, and fruit snacks, and yogurt covered raisins, and cookies, and smoothie, and adult yogurt, and cake. Grandpa Russ said that it was his job to fill me with sugar and give me back to Mom and Dad. And whew did it work. By the end of the week I was loaded with sugar and came crashing down. I thought my blood sugar was a little low and told Mom to grab the spumoni ice cream, but she said no.
   We went to a park that I had never been to. I’d been to the beach right next to it, but I didn’t know the park even existed.  It was a really long walk to get to this really small waterfall, but it was so pretty, I told Mom we had to bring more people there.
    And of course there was the normal picture taking.  Dad says that Grandma Pam is a picture taking maniac.  I’m not so sure though, it seemed all her pictures came out really nice!
    Oh yeah, Thanks to everyone who sends me letters!  Dad reads them all to me and they make me smile.  
Friday, September 15, 2006