Labor Day
   Wow! Today was amazing!!!! Mom and me went to carnival and it was HUGE! There was a big rock that people could climb and a spinny thing that went really, really fast and all sorts of other rides. Mom and me went on the train and in the bouncy house and in the helicopters. It was so cool! We also got to sit down and listen to these people sing and play music. AND I got to try all sorts of good foods, snowcones and cotton candy I discovered are VERY yummy (although the snowcones are a little cold)! Miss Karen and Mr. Matthew were also there as you can see from the picture. They said hi and said they’d sit for a picture, I was super happy, I didn’t have any pictures of them yet. Wow though I think I was awake the longest I’ve ever been. I was awake 5 hours straight with zero naps, it was just so exciting! Dad sure missed out, but he had to work.
    Afterwards we went home and Mom discovered something in my mouth (and no it wasn’t left over cotton candy, that stuff melts too quickly). She discovered a beautiful pearly white tooth on the bottom right of my mouth.
   And just in case you were wondering I did get over my sickyness, it just took a little while and lots of Tylenol (I got all the way hot to 102.8 degrees, woah). Mom might have been a little worse for the wear, but we both survived.
P.S. Happy Birthday to Uncle Josh and Aunt Leslie!
Monday, September 4, 2006