Happy Christmas Eve Eve!

Well life at the Rushing house is anything but rushing. It's more like the waiting house. Countdown to Christmas, countdown to baby being born, countdown to Steven's birthday, countdown to getting out of Augusta, Georgia. Although technically we only have real countdowns for Christmas and Steven's birthday because we don't know when Seporah will make her entrance or when we'll make our departure from Augusta. We were too lazy to do reviews, but watch Narnia and Zathura. Oh and although I gave King Kong an 8/10, Steven gave it a 3 thumbs down (with vomit on the side).

We've been playing pinochle online, Mom's been playing it forever but we just started. And man do we suck. If you'd like to improve your rating just play against us (Of course, it doesn't help that we don't shout our cards across the house =).

Steven's currently on half days, which means he's only working 12 hours a day now. Just kidding, he's only working 8am to noon. Which means we have lots of time to wait together.

Stay Tuned: We'll write in a couple days to tell about Christmas and other such exciting events.

Märia and Steven