Pt test routine

Ok, here is what I do before a pt test, normally. 3 days prior, I start watching what I eat. I spend roughly an hour in the sauna, sweating off weight, in half hour increments. 2 days prior I eat VERY little, cut back my water consumption by perhaps half, and spend another hour in the sauna, again in half hour increments. I also take a double dose of laxatives before I go to bed, and coat myself in Preparation H and wrap my abdomen in cellophane. The next morning (day before the pt test) I wake up, take the cellophane off (water weight just washing off of me, this REALLY works) and deal with the consequences of the nights laxative. I then take more laxative. =) 2 hours today in the sauna (these are all approximates). No food today whatsoever. The night before the pt test I get more laxatives and wrap myself again. I also drink one bottle of water (to hydrate for the pt test) and go to sleep. By the way, going to sleep all wrapped up is quite uncomfortable. =) The morning of the pt test I will go straight to the sauna, spend maybe 30 minutes in there (however much time I have) and then strip the cellophane off and shower. Then I take the pt test and go get weighed in. That is my normal routine.

So I had a pt test today. I am again on the fat boy program for those of you who don't know. I can't seem to stay within army standards for weight. Last night we had spaghetti for dinner. Märia was shocked that I was eating! She said, "Don't you have a pt test tomorrow?" To which I replied, "I am not going to make weight, and not going to kill myself for it anymore". So I had two servings of spaghetti last night at dinner (and another for a midnight snack!) and I had brownies for breakfast. Strange thing is, this morning I aced my pt test (roughly a 255 out of 300, don't have the exact score) and I had lost 4 lbs since the 27th of Sept and 4% to pass the tape test. I didn't suck my stomach in. I didn't puff my neck up (a painful process of literally beating the crap out of your neck, very common and I normally do it). The most shocked person was me.

So what did I do to lose the weight? not much really. My car died, and for the past 3 weeks I have been riding my bike to work. Riding a bike really cuts down (to zero) the midnight midshift fast food runs and I am just sick of fat boy pt twice a day everyday (even on days off). So yeah, I am off. Say yeah!