An Update in the Life of the Frustrated

Well everyone. Time for another update.

I have been planning my future for the last couple of weeks, and have started putting some of the wheels in motion.

I have been offered a job up at Palomar Mountain Christian Assembly. It's a great Christian camp grounds about an hour from here. I basically will drive up Friday night and then back down Sunday afternoon. I'm praying about this and have had the dickens of a time getting the recommendations and application filled out. Hopefully I will get it all done by Friday. My command doesn't seem to have a hard time with this so far, but they change their minds every two seconds.. you know how the military is.. lol

I have applied and been accepted at Liberty University at their distance learning program. I've been told great things about it so far, but once again have been jumping through all kinds of hoops to get that off the ground as well. Tomorrow I have to attend an hour long class at the Joint Education Center just so that I can get the paperwork filled out for Tuition Assistance. So.. my college is in motion.. who knew the day would come :-). So all of you who see me on an Instant messenger.. make sure you bug me to death about doing my homework. My first day of class is the 30th of January :-).

I have signed up for Guitar lessons, which start tomorrow at 5:30. It's only 30 minutes, but it's with a real professional.. maybe he can rub off on me alittle :-) As you guys can listen here with the little red button.. I finally recorded myself with "Never Look Away" Which I wrote on ship. I hope you all enjoyed it, I put alot of everything into it's creation. Literally.. if you listen I think you can hear my roomate laughing at me in the background :-).

I resigned as Youth Director here in Oceanside.. I'm pursuing other ministrys for a while, but I'm not willing to announce those right now.. I'm looking into two or three, and am unsure which one God wants me to partake in. Just keep me in your prayers, and remember whenever I'm the highly educated, Christian rockstar performing live at Palomar Mountain, that got the scoop first. You heard it here!

Well this, field agent needs to get some sleep so that he can wake up and save the world again tomorrow. Stay tuned to for all the latest news on Seporah, the real star of this show. She and M‰ria really class up the act around here.
