Some YouTube Videos...

Well, I was telling you all about how I am a YouTubeAholic, or addicted to YouTube. I came across a couple of fun videos today I wanted to show you; just examples of what you can find on YouTube.

1 minute 23 seconds, come on, you have that much time to spare don't you? Press the play button to make it start...

Ok, so someone found this video and uploaded it. Someone else saw this video, and wanted to paste a video reply to it. So they dug up another cool juggling movie, and posted it as a reply. Now normally this reply feature is used as a way of communication, ie I post a video blog (video journal), and someone else tells me in a video congradulations, or nice video, or it will be ok, depending on the video blog I put up, and what it was about.

The second video is longer, but much cooler. These juggling feats make your mind go gooey. 5 minutes 14 seconds:
