Final Fantasy Movie and Virtual Actors

I was listening to Glenn Beck the other day when he brought up the Final Fantasy movie.  Some of you may have seen it, it was called Final Fantasy: the Spirits Within.  I really enjoyed it.  It is supposed to have been the first fully cg movie that was not aimed at the kid audience.  Think Toy Story crossed with The Matrix.  Like I said, super awesome, I really enjoyed it. 

But if I were to do a review of it, I would have to comment on the graphics, the cinemetography (sp?), the voice acting and the plot/pacing.  You will notice something missing here that is in most movie reviews.  That would be the actors.  This is why Glenn Beck was talking about it after all.  He said if we can replace actors in movies (and not have to deal with their issues whether they be drugs, partying, sex tapes or scientology) why can't we replace politicians?  I wouldn't mind SquareEnix writing up a couple of characters and putting them in office, just as a temporary trial of course.  But I doubt they would do worse than some we have seen recently.  I hope you appreciate my political neutrality here, it takes work.  =) 

The point of this post isn't to make a political point, but to push you towards a 4 minute movie I stumbled upon today.  I really enjoyed it, and I think you will too.  It has a virtual actress in it, created in CG, but after 30 seconds or so, you will forget that she isn't real.  She will be very real to you I think.

Vulgarity alert, 3 curse words.  Just so you know.  Perhaps too many for a 4 minute film, but then some would say 3 is too many for a 2 hour film, especially these 3. 

But watch it, if you will, and tell me what you think about the film, and "virtual actors" in general, in the comments. 

Heavy Rain

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