New site is live!

Heya! The new webpage is live and there are a couple of things we should go over. =)

First of all, there is now a way for everyone else to submit news to Rushing Around. Jason and I originally envisioned Rushing Around as being a place where all our families could keep in touch, submit photos and news and articles and the like. Obviously that hasn't happened and that is really ok. Märia and I and Jason keep the blogs coming in, and Russ comments and we are all happy. =)

Well, commenting is as easy as ever, and hopefully the new system will have significantly less spam. We were getting around 200 spam messages every day with the old system and I was just tired of mucking through it all. So Comment people!

Oh yeah, I was getting to this. So now it is super easy for all of you to submit your own personal or family news, your own blogs or articles or essays or recipes or anything else! Just click Blog, and then under Blog it will say "Submit News". Click that and fill out the form. It is that simple! Same with reviews, which we are sorely needing. =)